It is a condition that expresses the negative effects of low temperatures on the human body. What is cold stress? It is commonly seen in individuals who spend long periods of time in open areas or are exposed to low temperatures. The body works within a certain temperature range to maintain its normal functions. However, when the environmental temperature drops, the body may not be able to maintain its temperature. This can cause cold stress. Cold …
It is a condition that expresses the negative effects of low temperatures on the human body. What is cold stress? It is common in individuals who spend long periods of time outdoors or are exposed to low temperatures. The body operates within a certain temperature range to maintain normal functions. However, when the environmental temperature drops, the body may not be able to maintain its temperature. This can cause cold stress.
Cold Stress Symptoms
Cold stress is the physiological response of the body to heat loss in individuals exposed to low temperatures. This situation is especially risky for those who work outdoors, climbers, campers and those living in cold weather regions. Early recognition of cold stress symptoms plays a critical role in preventing serious health problems.
Shivering is one of the first and most common symptoms. The body tries to produce heat by involuntary muscle contraction. Shivering is an indication of the body's effort to maintain heat. However, if this situation continues for a long time, the body's energy may be depleted and heat production may be inadequate.
Paleness and bruising of the skin are also symptoms. The body directs blood flow to the internal organs to conserve heat. It sends less blood to the extremities. It manifests itself with paleness or bruising of the skin.
Numbness and tingling occur in areas exposed to cold air. Numbness and tingling are especially common in the hands, feet, nose and ears.
Fatigue and mental fog are signs that the body is expending energy to compensate for heat loss. As body temperature drops, mental functions may slow down, attention deficit disorder, and loss of coordination may occur.
Symptoms of hypothermia include extreme chills, slow pulse, shortness of breath, and loss of consciousness. Hypothermia is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.
If any of these symptoms are observed, the individual should be immediately taken to a warm environment. Wet clothing should be removed. Body temperature should be raised slowly.
What is Cold Stress? Ways to Protect Yourself
It is a condition where the body has difficulty maintaining its normal temperature as a result of exposure to low temperatures. The body operates at a temperature of approximately 36-37°C to stay healthy.
- When the temperature in the environment drops, the body expends energy. If this situation lasts for a long time, cold stress It occurs. Especially those who work outdoors, do winter sports and live in cold climates are at risk.
- Layered clothing should be preferred to keep the body warm. The inner layer should be made of synthetic or woolen clothing that will wick away moisture. The middle layer should be made of insulating clothing that will retain heat, and the outer layer should be made of wind and water resistant materials.
- Most of the body heat is lost through the head, hands and feet. Wet clothes cause the body to lose heat rapidly. When wet, it should be changed into new clothes as soon as possible.
- To maintain body temperature, hot and caloric drinks should be consumed. However, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided.
To avoid being in the cold for a long time, you should go to warm environments and rest at regular intervals. These precautions are, cold stress is important for protection and maintaining body health.
Damages of Cold Stress on the Human Body
Cold stress, occurs as a result of the body being exposed to low temperatures for a long time. This is a physiological problem associated with the inability to maintain body heat. This can lead to serious health problems and is especially risky for individuals working or living outdoors.
The body needs a constant temperature of 36-37°C to maintain its normal functions. However, when this balance is disrupted, some health problems become inevitable.
One of the most serious harms is hypothermia. Hypothermia begins when body temperature drops below 35°C. It can be fatal if immediate intervention is not given.
Tissues exposed to cold for a long time freeze. Feet, nose and ears are at risk. Frostbite causes permanent damage to tissues. It can even lead to amputation.
Cold weather causes blood vessels to constrict, which slows down blood circulation. This puts extra strain on the heart and can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Cold air can irritate the respiratory tract and lead to diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It can cause symptoms to worsen in asthmatics.
Low temperatures reduce the flexibility of muscles and joints. This limits mobility. Increases the risk of injury.
Cold stress slows down brain functions. Concentration deficit, difficulty in decision making and memory problems may occur.
It is important to wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself from cold stress damage. Also, it is necessary to rest in warm environments. What is cold stress? The answer to the question begins with understanding the ways to protect ourselves from such risks experienced when the body is exposed to cold.