It is the erosion of the cartilage in the shoulder joint over time. This causes the bones to rub together. Shoulder arthritis usually occurs as a result of aging and overuse. Pain, stiffness and limited movement are the most common symptoms. Physical activities can become difficult. Treatment aims to relieve pain and increase mobility. Physical therapy, medications or surgery in advanced cases may be applied. Early diagnosis is important. Shoulder Arthritis Symptoms …
It is the wearing away of the cartilage in the shoulder joint over time, causing the bones to rub against each other. Shoulder arthritis, It usually occurs as a result of aging and overuse. Pain, stiffness and limited movement are the most common symptoms. Physical activities may become difficult. Treatment aims to relieve pain and increase mobility. Physical therapy, medications or, in advanced cases, surgery may be applied. Early diagnosis is important.
What are the symptoms of shoulder arthritis?
Pain is felt in the shoulder, especially during movement or at the end of the day. In advanced stages, pain may occur even at rest. There is a decrease in mobility in the shoulder joint. Daily movements such as lifting the arm up or reaching behind may become difficult. When the shoulder is moved, clicking, rubbing or crackling sounds may be heard in the joint. These sounds are caused by damage to the cartilage on the joint surface. Swelling in the shoulder joint and a feeling of stiffness in the morning may be seen.
Stiffness may decrease with movement during the day. Weakness and loss of strength in the shoulder muscles may be noticed. The muscles around the shoulder cannot be used sufficiently due to pain and limited movement. Pain may become more pronounced, especially at night when lying down. This may negatively affect sleep patterns. In advanced stages, deformity may be seen in the shoulder joint. Excessive wear of the joint surface triggers this condition. If you have shoulder arthritis If you experience any of the symptoms, it is important to see an orthopedic specialist. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve quality of life and slow down joint damage.
What Causes Shoulder Arthritis?
Shoulder arthritis It is usually seen due to aging. As we age, the cartilage tissue in the joints wears away and calcification may develop over time. Previous shoulder dislocations, fractures or serious blows can lead to calcification. Damage in the joint area causes cartilage loss and stiffening in the joint over time. Overuse of the shoulder joint with repetitive movements can cause the cartilage structure to wear out. This risk is especially high in athletes, people who do heavy work and individuals who use their shoulders frequently.
In some individuals, genetic predisposition can cause cartilage tissue to wear out more quickly. Rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis cause inflammation in the shoulder cartilage. It triggers calcification. Excessive body weight can put excessive load on the shoulder joints and cause cartilage to wear out over time. Inadequate blood flow to the shoulder joint can prevent the cartilage from being nourished. This can cause deterioration of the cartilage structure and calcification. Long-term inflammation causes damage to the shoulder joint. Shoulder arthritis can pave the way for it to happen.
How is Shoulder Arthritis Treated?
Shoulder arthritis Medications to reduce pain and inflammation are often used in treatment. Medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen are effective in relieving moderate pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be effective, especially in inflammatory conditions. In cases of severe pain, corticosteroid injections can be given directly into the shoulder joint. Physical therapy is important to relieve symptoms and increase mobility.
Muscle strengthening and flexibility-enhancing movements reduce the load on the shoulder joint. Ultrasound and electrotherapy can be used to relieve pain. Manual therapy is used to improve shoulder movement. Some changes that patients make in their daily lives can relieve symptoms.
Avoid heavy loads to reduce the pressure on the shoulder. An ice pack or hot water bottle can be used to relieve pain. Excess weight can increase the load on the shoulder joints, so a balanced diet is important. Complementary treatment methods may be useful for some patients. Acupuncture can be effective in relieving pain. Cupping therapy can provide relief by increasing blood circulation. If other treatment methods are not effective, surgical options are considered. Shoulder arthritis Early intervention is important in the treatment of the disease. The treatment plan should be individualized according to the needs of the person.