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    Preventing Injuries

    Preventing Injuries

    Reduce injuries by with a regular exercise program and doctor's check-up.

    What is Injury Prevention?

    Scientific research Musculoskeletal It shows which structural features make the athlete prone to injury and whether injuries can be prevented by at least .

    Injuries are caused by the athlete and external factors. In order to reveal the factors caused by the athlete, we perform detailed athlete analysis and biomechanical examination based on scientific data in our clinic. Then, the athlete, physiotherapist The patient is put on a corrective exercise program accompanied by a doctor. This program lasts at least 6 weeks and the best time to implement it is 6 weeks before the start of the season.

    What is Injury Prevention?
    • If your joints can move at the required angles,
    • If your muscles are flexible enough,
    • If your muscles are strong enough,
    • If the muscles have compatible strength and flexibility levels relative to each other,
    • If your body parts can move in harmony with each other,
    • If your overall balance and control is good, we expect fewer injuries.

    Athlete Biomechanical Evaluation

    Our athlete analysis is carried out through a series of critical tests and observations:

    • Joint Mobility: The capacity of joints to move at required angles.
    • Muscle Flexibility and Strength: Muscles have sufficient flexibility and strength.
    • Harmony of Strength and Flexibility: Muscle groups are in harmony with each other.
    • Body Coordination and Balance: General body balance and harmonious movement of the parts.

    As a result of these evaluations, corrective exercise programs are prepared to reduce the athlete's risk of injury. These programs usually last at least six weeks and are ideally recommended to be started six weeks before the start of the sports season.

    How to Prevent Injury?

    Another factor that makes an athlete prone to injury is the adjustment of the annual training load. The features we examined in a one-hour interview to examine the training system
    • Accuracy of annual periodization of training
    • Whether these periods are in the correct order
    • Whether there are features to reduce and increase the training load at the necessary and correct times during the periods
    • Whether the exercises performed are sport specific

    Other Treatments
