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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Omurganın bel bölgesindeki (lomber bölge) sinirlerin sıkışması veya baskı altında kalması durumu olarak tanımlanır. Bu rahatsızlık, omurga kanalının daralması sonucu sinirlerin baskı altında kalmasıyla ortaya çıkar. Çeşitli ağrı, uyuşma, güçsüzlük …

Soft Tissue Injury

It refers to damage to the skin, muscles, connective tissue or nerves. Soft tissue damage usually occurs as a result of trauma, impact or excessive stretching. Swelling, bruising, pain and limited movement may be observed in such injuries. …

Calf Bone Pain

It is a pain that occurs as a result of damage to the calf bone and surrounding muscles, ligaments or nerves. It usually occurs as a result of overuse, trauma or injury. Calf bone pain becomes severe during movement …

Low Back Pain

It can be caused by problems with the muscles, nerves or discs in the spine. It usually occurs as a result of prolonged sitting, heavy lifting or incorrect movements. Back pain can range from a mild ache to severe pain. Strain in the waist, …

Elbow Dislocation

It is a condition in which the bones that make up the elbow joint are displaced. This condition usually occurs due to trauma and is quite painful. Elbow dislocation is especially common in sports injuries, falls and traffic accidents…

Muscle Injury

It is the damage to muscle tissue as a result of excessive strain or trauma. It usually occurs during sports or heavy work. Symptoms of muscle injury include pain, swelling, and bruising. The muscle may become difficult to move. …

Nerve Compression

It is the compression of nerves by surrounding tissues. This condition usually occurs when muscles, tendons or bones press on the nerve. Nerve compression can cause pain, tingling, numbness and loss of strength. The most common …

Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is a chronic disease in which the immune system attacks the joints. Inflammation, pain and stiffness occur in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the hands, wrists and knees. Over time, joint damage and deformity can occur. Fatigue, …

What Causes Spine Pain?

Pain can occur for various reasons. The answer to the question of what causes spinal pain is usually related to incorrect posture, excessive weight, heavy lifting or trauma. Sitting for long periods of time and inactivity can also trigger pain. This …

Posture Disorder

Incorrect body posture can cause many health problems. Postural disorders can cause discomfort, weakness and movement limitations in the spine and muscles. Sitting or standing incorrectly for a long time can reinforce this situation. …
