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What is a Stress Fracture?

They are small cracks that occur in the bone as a result of repeated and excessive loading. Stress fractures are usually seen in athletes and people who do intense physical activity. The constant pressure of the body weight on the same area causes the bone to …

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is a condition that occurs when the nerves in the wrist become compressed. The nerves can cause numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of repetitive movements or prolonged pressure. …

Spinal Curvature

It is the abnormal curvature of the spine in the side or forward-backward directions, deviating from its normal alignment. It can occur with various deformities such as spinal curvature, scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. It can be congenital or develop later. Postural disorders, pain, …

What Causes Back Pain?

It is a discomfort felt in the muscles, bones or tissues around the spine. Back pain is usually caused by poor posture, muscle tension or injuries. Prolonged inactivity and incorrect sitting positions can also lead to it. Treatment, …

What is a Herniated Disc?

It is the sliding of the discs in the spine and putting pressure on the nerves. This pressure causes pain, numbness and loss of strength. A herniated disc is usually felt in the waist, legs and feet. Prolonged sitting, heavy lifting and such movements...

Ligament Tear Symptoms

Ligament tears usually occur when the ligament tissue is damaged as a result of a strain, impact or excessive stretching. Ligament tear symptoms can range from pain to loss of function. Ligament Tear Symptoms: Early …

What is Neck Pain?

It is discomfort and pain in the muscles, ligaments, nerves or spinal structures in the neck area. It is caused by poor posture, muscle tension, injury or osteoarthritis. Neck pain can make it difficult to move the head and sometimes …

What is Joint Pain?

It is defined as discomfort, aching or pain felt in the joints. It usually occurs as a result of conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis or joint injuries. Joint pain can cause limited movement and difficulty in daily activities. …

What is Spine Pain?

It is a disorder that occurs as a result of damage to the spinal bones, discs or soft tissues. These pains, usually felt in the waist or neck area, can cause limited movement, weakness or numbness. Spinal pain, old age, …

Chronic Pain Management

It is a type of pain that seriously affects the quality of life of individuals and continues continuously. This type of pain usually lasts longer than six months and may increase in severity over time. Various …
