What is Altitude Sickness?

It occurs at high altitudes where oxygen levels drop and air pressure decreases. What is altitude sickness? It describes a series of health problems caused by rapid ascent to altitude in high altitude areas. It usually occurs at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level. What is Altitude Sickness and Ways to Stay Healthy at High Altitude It is the general name for health problems encountered at high altitudes. It usually occurs at an altitude of 2,500 …

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sports and Exercise Medicine

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It occurs at higher altitudes where oxygen levels drop and air pressure decreases. What is altitude sickness?describes a group of health problems caused by rapid ascent to high altitudes. It usually occurs at altitudes above 2,500 metres (8,000 ft) above sea level.

What is Altitude Sickness and How to Stay Healthy at High Altitudes


It is the general name for health problems encountered at high altitudes. It is usually seen at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level. Air pressure decreases at high altitudes. This makes it difficult for the body to get enough oxygen. Oxygen deficiency results in various physiological responses in the body and leads to disease.

Altitude sickness Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Early symptoms include headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and dizziness. In severe cases, serious health problems such as altitude swelling (HAPE) and altitude cerebral swelling (HACE) can develop. HAPE is edema in the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath and cough. HACE causes cerebral edema and causes symptoms such as confusion and loss of coordination.

One way to stay healthy at high altitudes is to make changes in altitude slowly and carefully. Rapid changes in altitude make it harder for the body to adapt to oxygen levels. Gaining altitude slowly can help increase the body's oxygen supply and prevent illness.

The body’s need for water increases at higher altitudes. Adequate fluid intake supports the body’s oxygen-carrying capacity and prevents altitude-related dehydration. Drinking at least 3-4 litres of water a day is important to maintain your health.

When symptoms are severe, supplemental oxygen may be helpful. Oxygen masks or tanks can help to compensate for low oxygen levels.

Before traveling or mountaineering, it is important to learn about your health. It is also important to take the necessary precautions. Make sure you understand the health risks associated with altitude and bring the appropriate equipment.

At high altitudes, adequate rest and sleep support the body's adaptation process. Intense physical activities should be avoided and care should be taken to get enough rest.

Altitude sickness, can be managed with the right preparation and precautions. When symptoms are recognized early and appropriate steps are taken, it is possible to stay healthy at high altitudes.

Causes of Altitude Sickness

Yüksek rakımlarda hava basıncı azalır. Bu da oksijenin miktarını düşürür. Normal atmosfer koşullarında, oksijen %21 oranında bulunurken, yüksek rakımlarda bu oran düşer. Vücudun oksijen alımı yetersiz kalır. Bu durum, hastalığın temel nedenlerinden biridir. Düşük oksijen seviyesi, vücudun normal işlevlerini sürdürebilmesi için yeterli oksijeni temin edememesine yol açar.

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases. Low air pressure makes it difficult for oxygen from the lungs to pass into the body. This leads to a lack of oxygen, triggering symptoms such as headaches and dizziness.

At high altitude, the body's adaptation process to the lack of oxygen can take time. During this time, the body increases hemoglobin, blood volume and respiratory rate to provide sufficient oxygen. However, this adaptation process can vary from person to person, and some people may have difficulty with this process.

Multiple altitude changes or rapid ascents make the body's adaptation process more difficult. In particular, failure to comply with the acclimatization process can increase the risk of disease.

The genetic and biological makeup of individuals can affect their susceptibility to disease. Genetic predisposition may mean that some people are more susceptible to the effects of high altitudes.

Altitude Sickness and Severe Conditions


Mild symptoms include headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and dizziness. It is related to the body's difficulty in taking in oxygen due to the lack of oxygen at high altitudes. These symptoms usually begin with altitude. They can be alleviated by resting, drinking plenty of water, and ascending slowly.

Altitude swelling is characterized by edema in the lungs, which can lead to serious symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, and chest pain. HAPE usually occurs as a result of rapid ascent and lack of oxygen, and requires immediate medical attention. Treatment requires descent to lower altitudes and oxygen supplementation.

Altitude brain swelling is a serious condition that causes cerebral edema. Symptoms include confusion, loss of coordination, loss of consciousness, and difficulty walking. HACE can be life-threatening and should be descented to lower altitudes and emergency medical attention should be sought immediately.

What is altitude sickness?, is a significant health problem that can be encountered at high altitudes. In severe cases, it requires timely diagnosis and intervention. In order to prevent health problems at high altitudes, careful altitude increase and adequate fluid intake are recommended.

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