It is the sliding of the discs in the spine and putting pressure on the nerves. This pressure causes pain, numbness and loss of strength. A herniated disc is usually felt in the waist, legs and feet. Sitting for long periods of time and heavy lifting increase the risk. Treatment is possible with physical therapy, exercise or surgery. Early diagnosis speeds up the healing process. What are the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc? Intense and constant pain felt in the waist area…
It is the slipping of the discs in the spine and the pressure on the nerves. This pressure causes pain, numbness and loss of strength. Herniated Disc It is usually felt in the waist, legs and feet. Prolonged sitting and heavy lifting increase the risk. Treatment is possible with physical therapy, exercise or surgery. Early diagnosis speeds up the healing process.
What are the symptoms of a herniated disc?
Intense and constant pain felt in the lumbar region is the most obvious symptom. When a herniated disc presses on the nerves, the pain can spread to the legs. There is usually pain from the hip to the foot. As a result of the herniated disc pressing on the nerves, numbness or tingling sensations can occur in the legs and feet.
As the hernia progresses, weakness and loss of control in the leg muscles may occur. Movement may become difficult due to pain and muscle spasms in the lower back. Symptoms of a herniated disc may vary from person to person and these symptoms may increase over time. With early diagnosis and treatment, symptoms can be controlled.
What Causes a Herniated Disc?
Especially lifting heavy loads or sitting in incorrect positions can put too much pressure on the spine. With age, the discs in the spine can lose their flexibility and weaken. Sudden and uncontrolled movements can cause damage to the spinal discs. Physical traumas such as falls, bumps or accidents can lead to herniation in the spine.
Excess weight puts additional stress on the spine and increases the risk. It runs in the family herniated disc People with a history of this condition are more likely to develop it. Physical activities such as heavy work or constant bending and lifting can cause it. A sedentary lifestyle can also cause it, due to muscle weakness and loss of flexibility.
What are the Treatment Methods for a Herniated Disc?
Painkillers and muscle relaxants are used to relieve pain. Rest can also help with treatment. Herniated Disc Physical therapy methods applied for aim to reduce the pressure on the spine. Stretching and strengthening exercises, electrotherapy, etc. are used. Manual therapy method includes the spinal correction technique performed by therapists manually. Steroid injections made around the spine reduce inflammation.
It helps relieve pain. In advanced cases, surgery may be required. Surgical methods such as microsurgery and discectomy are used to remove the herniated disc. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture and chiropractic treatment are also effective for some patients. Lifestyle changes such as exercise, weight control and correct postures contribute positively to the treatment process. Herniated Disc reduces the risk of recurrence.
Things to Consider After Lumbar Disc Herniation Treatment
After treatment, you must strictly follow the medications, physical therapy and exercise programs prescribed by the doctor. Herniated Disc After treatment, avoid lifting heavy objects that will put too much pressure on your waist. Avoid incorrect positions that will strain your waist by maintaining your posture in your daily life. You should sit upright and prefer an ergonomic chair. You should gradually begin light exercises that strengthen your waist muscles and increase flexibility, with the approval of your doctor.
You should not neglect adequate rest and stay away from stress to support the body's healing process. Using a corset that provides lumbar support for the period recommended by your doctor will help protect your waist. Smoking and alcohol can negatively affect the healing process, so you should stay away from them if possible. You should especially avoid sudden movements such as turning, bending or jumping. These movements can damage your waist. Instead of sitting or standing in the same position for a long time, increase blood circulation by moving and reduce pressure on your waist. You should eat a balanced diet to keep your body weight under control and avoid excessive pressure on your waist.