Soft Tissue Injury

It refers to damage to the skin, muscle, ligament or nerves. Soft tissue injury usually occurs as a result of trauma, impact or excessive stretching. Swelling, bruising, pain and limited movement may be observed in such injuries. Treatment requires rest, ice application and sometimes physical therapy depending on the severity of the damage. In severe cases, surgery may be required. What are the Symptoms of Soft Tissue Injury? Pain in the injured area, …

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sports and Exercise Medicine

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It refers to damage to the skin, muscles, connective tissue or nerves. Soft tissue injury, It usually occurs as a result of trauma, impact or excessive stretching. Swelling, bruising, pain and limited movement may occur in such injuries. Treatment requires rest, ice application and sometimes physical therapy, depending on the severity of the damage. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

What are the Symptoms of Soft Tissue Injury?

Soft Tissue InjuryPain in the injured area usually begins suddenly and increases with movement. A sharp or throbbing pain may be felt. The injured area may swell, which is usually caused by inflammation. The skin in the injured area may begin to bruise due to damage to the blood vessels. Muscles and joints in the injured area cannot be moved fully because of the pain.

There may be a temperature increase in the area of the injury because blood flow increases and inflammation begins. If the nerves are damaged, there will be numbness and tingling in the injured area. The muscles may become stiff and a feeling of tension may occur. These symptoms are soft tissue injury It may vary depending on the different types. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a professional healthcare professional for a specific treatment plan.

What Causes Soft Tissue Injury?

Damage to soft tissues is common as a result of sudden and violent impacts, sports activities or accidents. Especially due to falling, hitting and excessive strain while doing sports. soft tissue injury can occur. Repeating the same movement can cause excessive strain and damage to the muscles. Athletes and those in certain occupations are particularly prone to such injuries. Not warming up sufficiently before exercise or sports can leave the muscles and connective tissues unprotected. This can cause the muscles to strain and become injured more easily. As we age, the elasticity and durability of soft tissues decrease. This can make injuries more likely.

Performing movements with incorrect technique or poor posture creates extra pressure on the muscles and ligaments. Standing in poor posture for a long time can also soft tissue injury It can lead to. Traffic accidents, falls or sports accidents cause serious damage to muscles, tendons and ligaments. Lack of sufficient vitamins and minerals in the body causes soft tissues to become weak. Some people can be injured more easily due to weak connective tissues from birth. Treatment of such injuries is done with simple methods such as rest, ice application and elevation. However, professional medical intervention may be required for more serious cases.

How is Soft Tissue Injury Treated?

Soft Tissue InjuryIt is important to rest the injured area. Continuing to do activity can make the injury worse. Ice can be applied to the injured area for no more than 20 minutes at a time. Ice helps reduce swelling and pain. Wrapping the area with an elastic bandage can help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process. Keeping the injured area above the level of the heart improves circulation and reduces swelling. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can help relieve pain and speed up healing. Physical therapy may be recommended to strengthen muscles and ligaments during the healing process.

Stretching and strengthening exercises can help muscles regain their former function. After 48 hours, hot applications can provide relief with their muscle relaxant effect. Hot water bottles or hot baths can support the healing process. Very serious soft tissue injury In some cases, if ligaments or tendons are torn, surgery may be necessary. These types of conditions are rare, but if left untreated, can lead to permanent damage. Early intervention and proper care can speed up the healing process. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional in all cases.

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