Runner Series

It is the name given to pain around the kneecap due to intense running and similar activities. It is especially common in runners. Excessive training or exercises performed with incorrect technique can lead to runner's knee. It manifests itself with tenderness and pain complaints around the kneecap. It can be treated with rest and correct exercises. Warming up before running reduces the risk. What are the Symptoms of Runner's Knee? Kneecap …

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sports and Exercise Medicine

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It is the name given to the pain that occurs around the kneecap due to intense running and similar activities. It is especially common in runners. Overtraining or exercises performed with incorrect technique Runner series It manifests itself with tenderness and pain complaints around the kneecap. It can be treated with rest and correct exercises. Warming up before running reduces the risk.

What are the symptoms of Runner's Knee?

Runner Series There is discomfort or pain around the kneecap, especially in the front. This pain increases with movements such as running, climbing stairs, or getting up from a sitting position. There is a feeling of stiffness in the knee. It may become difficult to move the knee after sitting for a long time.

There may be a feeling of instability in the knee from time to time. This may cause the knee to feel like it is slipping, especially during strenuous movements. A cracking or clicking sound may be heard in the kneecap during knee movements. These sounds may become especially pronounced when climbing stairs or bending over. Swelling may occur around the knee after intensive use. This may be a sign of inflammation or strain in the knee. Runner series Rest, ice application and exercise are recommended to cope with the symptoms.

What Causes Runner's Knee?

Improper running technique puts extra load on the knee joint and can cause pain in the knee. Factors such as the way the feet touch the ground and the length of the step are especially important. Overloading during training causes the muscles to strain. This can cause damage to the muscles and ligaments in the knee. Imbalances or weaknesses in the leg muscles put additional stress on the knee joint. Imbalances in the thigh, calf and hip muscles in particular can cause the knee to move incorrectly.

Flat feet or high arched feet put more load on the knee joint during walking and running. This situation Runner series It can cause pain and damage to the knees. Shoes that are not supportive or suitable for running can cause pain and damage to the knees. Shoe selection is very important to protect the knee joints. Correct training techniques should be applied to prevent this situation. In addition, it is recommended to choose suitable shoes and strengthen the leg muscles.

How Is Runner's Knee Diagnosed?

The doctor first learns details such as the patient's lifestyle, frequency of sports, duration and severity of pain. Details such as whether the pain around the kneecap increases during running or another activity are evaluated. During the physical examination, the doctor moves the knee and applies pressure. He/she observes the localization and severity of the pain. He/she examines whether there is swelling, redness or tenderness around the knee. X-ray is used to examine the bone structures. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides detailed images of the soft tissues and cartilage around the kneecap.

It helps evaluate problems between joints. Ultrasound can be used to see possible tears or inflammation in soft tissues. Some orthopedists want to see the range of motion of the knee and muscle imbalances. They do specific movement tests for this. Runner series It is usually caused by muscle imbalances and weakness of the muscles around the hips and knees. For this, the flexibility and strength balance of these areas are analyzed. The diagnosis made with these methods is directed to the most appropriate treatment.

How Is Runner's Knee Treated?

Runner SeriesFirst, it is important to reduce the load on the knee. Activities that cause pain (such as running and jumping) should be avoided for a while. Low-impact sports (such as swimming) can be preferred during the healing process. Ice helps relieve pain by reducing inflammation. Apply ice to the knee area for 15-20 minutes by wrapping it in a towel. You can repeat this process several times throughout the day. It is important to strengthen the muscles around the knee and provide flexibility.

Special exercises recommended by a physical therapist can help stabilize the knee. It is especially important to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Bands or knee pads that support the kneecap can reduce pain during movement. You can use a supportive equipment that is suitable for your knee, especially when doing sports. If the pain is severe, anti-inflammatory or painkillers can be used with the doctor's recommendation. However, it should be remembered that these medications are temporary solutions. Runner series The underlying cause may be incorrect running techniques or foot pressure problems.

Posture and walking technique are corrected with analyses performed by physiotherapists or sports specialists. Physical therapy can help strengthen the knee and increase flexibility. Treatments performed with a professional physiotherapist accelerate the healing process. In advanced cases that do not respond to other treatments, surgical intervention may be required. This should only be considered in very severe cases. Runner series To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to increase your workouts slowly. Choosing the right shoes and doing regular stretching exercises are also important.

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