Bone Edema

It is swelling that occurs as a result of fluid accumulation in the bone. Bone edema usually occurs due to trauma, strain or injury. It can cause pain, tenderness and limited movement in the bone. It is diagnosed with MRI. Treatment is usually done with rest, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. In severe cases, surgery may be required. What are the Symptoms of Bone Edema? Pain is the most common symptom. In the affected area …

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sports and Exercise Medicine

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It is a swelling that occurs as a result of fluid accumulation within the bone. Bone edema It usually occurs due to trauma, strain or injury. It can cause pain, tenderness and limited movement in the bone. It is diagnosed with MRI. Treatment usually includes rest, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

What are the symptoms of bone edema?

Bone EdemaPain is the most common symptom. A deep, widespread ache is felt in the affected area and this pain often persists even during rest. Bone edema Depending on the condition, swelling may occur around the affected joint or bone. This swelling can be noticeable from the outside. Movement may be restricted in the area where there is swelling. For example, if there is swelling in the knee, bending the knee or walking may become difficult.

There may be sensitivity to touch in the area with bone edema. Even light touches may cause discomfort. In rare cases, there may be an increase in skin temperature in the edema area. Bone edema Symptoms may occur after sports injuries, joint diseases or trauma. Imaging methods such as MRI are usually used for definitive diagnosis.

What Causes Bone Edema?

Bone edema, It can occur as a result of traumas such as sports injuries, falls or traffic accidents. Traumas cause damage to the blood vessels in the bone, which causes edema to accumulate. Prolonged and repeated overloading leads to stress fractures, which are especially common in athletes. This creates small cracks in the bone tissue and causes edema. Osteoarthritis, which occurs as a result of the wear of the cartilage in the joint, causes inflammation in the bone and can cause edema. In advanced cases, bone edema is common. Disruption of blood circulation in the bone can lead to a condition called avascular necrosis. This causes bone cells to die and bone edema develops.

Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis cause inflammation in the joints. These diseases are associated with the immune system attacking body tissues. When a bacterial infection occurs in the joint and bone, this infection causes it. If left untreated, it can cause serious problems. Connective tissue injuries affecting large joints such as the knee, hip or shoulder can also cause edema. Such injuries lead to fluid accumulation and edema in the joint. Both benign and malignant bone tumors can disrupt the structure of the bone tissue and cause edema. The growth of tumors causes pressure and fluid accumulation in the surrounding bone tissue. These causes bone edema It has common causes and presents different symptoms in each case. It may require treatment.

How Is Bone Edema Treated?

Bone EdemaBone edema It is important not to put too much pressure on the affected area and to rest it as much as possible. It is recommended to reduce activity level and avoid weight-bearing movements. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used to relieve pain and inflammation. Medications recommended by a doctor are taken to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Physical therapists apply a special exercise program to the area where the edema is located. It can help improve the edema. These programs usually include muscle strengthening and stretching movements. If necessary, supportive orthopedic devices such as crutches and wristbands are used. Pressure can be reduced on the weight-bearing area of the body. Cold compresses can be applied to the edema area to reduce swelling. This method helps relieve pain, especially in the early stages of edema.

Rarely bone edema When it reaches very serious levels, surgery may be necessary. However, this is usually considered a last resort. Taking vitamin D, calcium and other bone health supplements will help bone healing. The treatment process can vary from person to person and should be managed by an orthopedic specialist.

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