Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

It occurs when the tendons and bursa tissue in the shoulder joint are compressed. If there is shoulder impingement syndrome, pain and loss of strength are experienced in the shoulder during movement. Complaints increase especially when lifting and rotating the arm. It is common in athletes and those who perform repetitive arm movements. Treatment includes rest, physical therapy and painkillers. Surgery may be required in advanced cases. Rapid recovery can be achieved with early diagnosis. Shoulder …

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cavit Meclisi

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sports and Exercise Medicine

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It occurs due to compression of the tendons and bursa tissue in the shoulder joint. Shoulder impingement syndrome If there is pain and loss of strength in the shoulder during movement. Complaints increase especially when lifting and rotating the arm. It is common in athletes and those who perform repetitive arm movements. Treatment includes rest, physical therapy and painkillers. In advanced cases, surgical intervention may be required. Early diagnosis can provide rapid recovery.

What are the symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome?

Shoulder Impingement SyndromePain is experienced, especially when the arm is lifted up or when an overhead task is attempted. Pain is usually felt in the front or outer part of the shoulder and may increase at night. Difficulty moving the shoulder or inability to perform certain movements. You may have difficulty lifting the arm up during daily activities. Tenderness is felt when the shoulder is touched or pressure is applied.

Clicking or popping sounds coming from the joint when the shoulder is moved. Increased pain, especially when lying on the affected side. shoulder impingement syndrome are among the symptoms. Disruption of sleep patterns. These symptoms can be mild or severe depending on the severity of the syndrome. If you experience these symptoms, it is recommended that you consult an orthopedic specialist. Untreated conditions can cause permanent limitations in shoulder movements.

What Causes Shoulder Impingement Syndrome?

Repetitive movements in the shoulder joint, especially in athletes, can put pressure on the tendons. This leads to inflammation and compression of the tissues. Rotator cuff tendonitis causes swelling of the tendons, narrowing the space in the shoulder joint. This causes the tendons to compress during movement. Some individuals may have a narrowed space in the shoulder joint, either from birth or due to age. Structural changes, such as the downward slope of the acromion bone, can cause the tendons to compress. With age, wear and tear occurs in the rotator cuff tendons and other soft tissues.

This wear causes less space to remain within the joint and shoulder impingement syndrome It leads to an increased risk. Impacts to the shoulder area, sudden movements, cause tissue damage and trigger it. Postural disorders such as the shoulders being bent forward restrict the natural range of motion in the shoulder joint and cause it. Weak muscles around the shoulder disrupt joint stability. It can cause tendons and soft tissues to become compressed. Shoulder impingement syndrome Symptoms include shoulder pain, limited movement and weakness. Early diagnosis is important for the prevention and treatment of this condition. This condition is treated with exercise, physical therapy and surgical intervention.

How is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Treated?

Shoulder Impingement SyndromeResting is important to reduce stress on the shoulder. It is necessary to avoid movements and activities that increase pain. However, remaining completely still can further limit shoulder mobility. Therefore, movement should be continued with light exercises. Physical therapy, shoulder impingement syndrome It is one of the basic methods in treatment. Stretching exercises are performed to reduce muscle tension and increase shoulder range of motion. Strengthening exercises increase shoulder stability by strengthening the shoulder muscles. Improving shoulder and back posture can reduce compression. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation with a doctor's recommendation. These drugs usually provide short-term relief. Steroid injections can be made into the shoulder joint to control severe pain.

This method is usually preferred when other treatments are not effective and provides a temporary solution. Manual therapy techniques applied by a physiotherapist increase joint range of motion. They can reduce muscle tension. If conservative treatments do not work, surgical intervention may be necessary. These interventions include arthroscopic decompression or correction of bone spurs causing compression. Ice or hot compresses can be used to reduce swelling and increase blood flow. Kinesio tape can be useful to support the shoulder joint and relieve pain. Acupuncture or massage can be among the alternative methods. However, they should be applied under the supervision of a specialist. With these treatment methods shoulder impingement syndrome It can usually be managed successfully, but early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent the condition from becoming chronic.

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