Information Publications

Home Page/Musculoskeletal Medicine
Pain Prevention

Unless you have angle and movement issues that would make you prone to pain from birth, we would expect you to have less pain complaints.

Chronic Pain

Pain that lasts longer than 3 months is called chronic pain. It can be treated by revealing additional problems, independent of the diagnosis we made at the time the pain started and depending on the patient's history and characteristics.

Posture Problems and Scoliosis

Causes of Posture Disorder: Congenital bone deformities, Inactivity and lack of sports in childhood, Lifestyle-related disorders, Post-pain or injury-related disorders.

Soft tissue pain

Soft tissues are the tendons, muscles, ligaments, bursae, capsules, nerves, and other structures outside the joint. They almost always become painful as a result of overuse and sometimes as a result of sudden strain or impact.

joint pains

Tanı ve ayırıcı tanısı yaptığımız omuz, dirsek, el bileği, kalça, diz ve ayak bileği ağrılarıdır. Tanı ne olursa olsun, tüm eklem ağrılarının en az %80’lik bölümü ameliyatsız tedavilerle iyileşmektedir.

Spinal pains

Omurga ağrısına sebep tüm tanı listesi bizim hasta grubumuzu oluşturur. Tanı ne olursa olsun, tüm omurga ağrılarının en az %90’lık bölümü ameliyatsız tedavilerle iyileşmektedir.
